About Daryl Green Marketing Consultant
Hi I'm Daryl Green.
You might be a two person team or a bigger company that wants to grow.
Most of my previous clients have found me through word of mouth from someone they know or I've specifically helped them with an issue on their website or with an aspect of their general marketing.
Maybe you've found me near the top of Google as you are searching for help with your own business, and want to know how to improve your visibility online, so you can get more customers.
I'm a family man, and mid 50's.
I like spending time in Cornwall and North Wales by the coast with the family. Where do you like to holiday?
I've been on the internet for 32 years.
In fact I studied Business IT at Uni in the early days on dial-up.
You're likely to be pretty successful in more than one area of business and perhaps had some really lucrative times in the 90's with little competition. Times change.
The internet has come a long way since then.
I'll bet your smartphone has way more speed and power in it than your first computer.
You can tap and click to make something happen in the blink of an eye now. Like now for instance...
Tap or >click here< for a free online roadmap discovery call
I will help you grow your business even further.
Using one website or many.
From where it is now at 5 or 6 figures to 6 or 7 using the power of internet marketing.
With less effort from you and other important staff members.
You don't need to figure everything out on your own.
I will help you make it all stress-free and productive.
So you can put more money in the bank and put more holidays on your calendar, if you want to.
Book Your FREE Consultation (Usually £150)
For now I'm making available a few limited slots for FREE 15-minute consultations where I will step you through your quick-fix wins and also outline how to get more sales and enquiries from your website in a more consistent way.
I usually charge out at £150 for this but you can grab this offer while it's still available.
This offer is time limited, but you can start by calling my PA Mary on 01782 360265
or >click here to go to my calendar<
Speak soon!

Sign up below to get your copy of my short book on Local SEO Tips for Home Improvement Companies
"Signing up for this book means you are okay with me sending occasional tips and offers in future. I'm not a spammer, and won't share your email with anyone else. Thanks." - Daryl Green
If you work in construction, gas/elec/plumbing, landscaping, UPVC or interior design you are sure to find some useful tips to help.
It outlines some basic steps you can start taking to immediately make changes to your site performance.
If you need further advice or guidance just give us a call on 01782 360265 or request a complimentary audit.
I wanted my website to be higher in Google. Daryl got me to Page 1 in a matter of weeks. Excellent stuff mate.
Paul Jones Property Developer and Craftsman

Daryl's website for us is fab!
Julie Hamer Interior Designer

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